using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
namespace Automating_Nexpose
public class NexposeManager : IDisposable
private readonly NexposeSession _session;
public NexposeManager(NexposeSession session)
if (!session.IsAuthenticated)
throw new ArgumentException("[!] Trying to create manager from "
+ "unauthenticated session. PLease authenticate.", "session");
_session = session;
// Makes a basic SystemInformation API request to print the Nexpose server information
public XDocument GetSystemInformation()
XDocument xml = new XDocument(
new XElement("SystemInformationRequest",
new XAttribute("session-id", _session.SessionID)));
return (XDocument)_session.ExecuteCommand(xml);
public void Dispose()
/* Creating a Nexpose site, scan the site and then download a report of the findings */
// name: sitename, ips: ip ranges, SiteID: -1 to create new site
// Create/Saving a scan site with assets
public XDocument CreateOrUpdateSite(string name, string[] hostnames = null, string[][] ips = null, int SiteID = -1)
XElement hosts = new XElement("Hosts");
if (hostnames != null)
foreach (string host in hostnames)
hosts.Add(new XElement("host", host));
if (ips != null)
foreach (string[] range in ips)
hosts.Add(new XElement("range",
new XAttribute("from", range[0]),
new XAttribute("to", range[1])));
XDocument xml = new XDocument(
new XElement("SiteSaveRequest",
new XAttribute("session-id", _session.SessionID),
new XElement("Site",
new XAttribute("id", SiteID),
new XAttribute("name", name),
new XElement("ScanConfig",
new XAttribute("name", "Full-audit"),
new XAttribute("templateID", "full-audit")))));
return (XDocument)_session.ExecuteCommand(xml);
// Starting a Scan
public XDocument ScanSite(int siteID)
XDocument xml = new XDocument(
new XElement("SiteScanRequest",
new XAttribute("session-id", _session.SessionID),
new XAttribute("site-id", siteID)));
return (XDocument)_session.ExecuteCommand(xml);
// Getting scan status
public XDocument GetScanStatus(int scanID)
XDocument xml = new XDocument(
new XElement("ScanStatusRequest",
new XAttribute("session-id", _session.SessionID),
new XAttribute("scan-id", scanID)));
return (XDocument)_session.ExecuteCommand(xml);
/* Create a PDF site Report */
public byte[] GetPdfSiteReport(int siteID)
XDocument doc = new XDocument(
new XElement("ReportAdhocGenerateRequest",
new XAttribute("session-id", _session.SessionID),
new XElement("AdhocReportConfig",
new XAttribute("template-id", "audit-report"),
new XAttribute("format", "pdf"),
new XElement("Filters",
new XAttribute("type", "site"),
new XAttribute("id", siteID)))));
return ((byte[])_session.ExecuteCommand(doc));
// deleting the Site
public XDocument DeleteSite(int siteID)
XDocument xml = new XDocument(
new XElement("SiteDeleteRequest",
new XAttribute("session-id", _session.SessionID),
new XAttribute("site-id", siteID)));
return (XDocument)_session.ExecuteCommand(xml);